Newquay Community Orchard occupies seven acres of land gifted by the Duchy of Cornwall on the western edge of Nansledan.

The community-led project is establishing a multi-functional park that combines recreation, food production, events, education, apprenticeships and diverse wildlife habitats. It is part of a network of green spaces that will permeate Nansledan.

More than 250 volunteers joined Newquay Community Orchard in its first year and the project is now awaiting planning permission for a new building that will allow for a much broader range of activity, including a cafe and community kitchen to promote food production from field to plate.

Project managing director Luke Berkeley said: “Nansledan has a lot of sustainable credentials that we reflect in our own activities. We want to create a space in which people can grow, learn and feel included, and show that it is possible to have environmentally sustainable economic growth. This is at the core of Nansledan’s ethos and underpins what we do at Newquay Community Orchard”.

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