Green Spaces
Nansledan boasts almost 300 acres of green open spaces, offering the perfect opportunity to relax and unwind or enjoy a range of outdoor activities

Enjoy the great outdoors
There is so much outdoor space to enjoy already at Nansledan and once complete, the overall green open space will be equivalent to around 180 full-sized football pitches!
This includes a mix of community gardens and allotments, parks, playgrounds, walking and cycling routes and squares, distributed evenly throughout the community and offering convenient access for all to enjoy.

Pras Trewolek
Pras Trewolek, or ‘Trewolek Meadow’ (known by residents as the “SANG”, which stands for Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space), is situated on 75 acres of farmland at the eastern edge of Nansledan.
It has been transformed into an outdoor haven for the community, promoting health and wellbeing and biodiversity, with 3.7km of pathways, trees, viewing platforms, a bird hide and 50 acres of beautiful wildflower meadows, grazed by native breeds of cattle.
Annual bird and habitat surveys are undertaken of Pras Trewolek to monitor the various species that are increasingly calling this their home.

Land adjacent to Nansledan Primary School
Playing fields have been created behind Nansledan’s primary school to encourage outdoor sports and it is hoped that this will become home to a Nansledan based football club in due course.
A 100-tree remembrance woodland has also been planted next to the school, commemorating the centenary of the Royal British Legion.

Park an Chapel
Situated on land between Nansledan and Quintrell Downs, Park an Chapel and is being created using soil from Nansledan, which would otherwise have to be transported to landfill.
Once complete, it will include a community orchard, allotment gardens, informal recreation space, a network of pedestrian and cycle paths, and grazing land.

Chapel Stream
The broad green corridor along the valley of the Chapel Stream, which borders Nansledan’s southern edge (and will run alongside Nansledan’s High Street (“Market Street”) in due course), is being retained and enhanced and will eventually include areas for walking and cycling.